- It is a non-government organisation
- Can accept Donations
- No Tax implication
- Can easily do lot of social benefits activities
- Easy to start
- Separate legal entity
- No Minimum capital requirement
- Zero Stamp duty
Our Process
Our Service
No, Commercial place is not compulsory. You can show your residential place or any rental place etc
No. We will complete the formalities and register your company online.
Yes, the documents need to certify by a CA/CS
Only individual can become director of the company.
20 days from the date of approval for new company and 60 days in case change the name of existing company.
Minimum two directors are required for a company
ROC is a central govt office where companies get registered. Every state has ROC officers.
No, once the company registered it will be valid till officially closer the company.
DIN is an identification number issued by ROC ( Registrar of Company). DIC is required for a person became director of a company.
DSC is digital signature using by the individual for digitally singing documents. As all ROC registration is required digitally signed forms so all individual authorised to execute documents needs to take DSC.
MOA is Memorandum of Association and AOA is article of association. This is the rules and laws of the company and which purpose the company incorporated etc.
Yes, you can change the registered address at any time.
The capital amount should be deposited with in two month so the incorporation.